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Tips To Stay Energy Efficient This Summer

Tips To Stay Energy Efficient This Summer

When summer comes, it's time to call your HVAC professional to check your HVAC system. Every homeowner wants to make their system is as energy efficient as can be. This helps to save money. We're here to reveal the most energy efficient HVAC settings for the summer. We'll also share HVAC tips on how to improve your energy efficiency.

What Temperature Should Your HVAC System Be Set At to be the Most Energy Efficient?

The real answer: it depends. You should set the temperature between 72 and 78 degrees Fahrenheit when you're home. This temperature range is the most energy efficient option. When you're not at home, consider raising the temperature to 85 degrees. This will make your system more energy efficient when not home.

Making Use of a Programmable Thermostat

Most new HVAC systems come with a programmable thermostat. This lets you to set the temperature of your system for every hour in the day. An HVAC technician can help program your thermostat. You want to program this based on your schedule. You should set the temperature at 78 degrees when at home and 85 degrees when you're not.

Consider your family's schedule as well. When you leave for work, set the temperature to 85 degrees. This will make your system more energy efficient. Many new HVAC systems will have a smart thermostat. This lets you set the temperature from your smartphone. This can allow you to make your HVAC system even more efficient.

Tips For a More Energy Efficient HVAC System

An HVAC professional can reveal some of the best energy efficient HVAC secrets. We're going to reveal some of these tips. Direct sunlight is one of the biggest killers of energy efficiency. One way to reduce sunlight in your home is to use blackout curtains. These curtains keep sunlight from entering your home and heating your rooms.

Another popular tip to make your HVAC system more energy efficient is to use ceiling fans. These fans can move the cooled air throughout your home better. This will make your family feel like the temperature is colder than it is inside of your home. These energy efficient ceiling fans should be in bedrooms, kitchens, and living rooms. This helps to better handle temperature distribution throughout your home.

Call An HVAC Professional Today

If it's time to upgrade your old HVAC system, it's time to call our experienced HVAC professionals. They can help you find which HVAC system is right for you. We will give you tips on how to be more energy efficient during the hot summer months.