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Maintain The Humidity In Your Home This Fall Season

Maintain The Humidity In Your Home This Fall Season

As the colder weather starts, you'll notice your home's humidity changes. You'll see the change on your thermostat with built-in humidity control. But, you'll notice the change first as itchy and dry skin. It's a fact: humidity levels lower in the winter months. Maintaining indoor humidity is vital to your comfort during the winter.

Ventilate Your Attic And Garage

There are two areas to focus on with home humidity: your attic and garage. The fall season can give be humid during the day. This humid air enters your attic. At night, the weather cools down and humidity reduces. When this happens, the moisture in the air condenses. This creates water issues inside your attic or garage. Ventilate both your attic and garage to ensure that the moisture can leave.

Be Mindful Of Wet Rooms

There are three main types of rooms in your home that high humidity affect. These include your kitchen, bathrooms, and laundry rooms. You put a lot of humidity into the air when taking a shower, using the stove, or drying your clothes.

Ventilate these rooms with a ventilation fan. These remove the humid air at a quick rate. When it comes to your clothes dryer, have a straight vent with minimal bends. This helps remove the extra humidity from your laundry room. Keep your clothes dryer exhaust line empty of lint. It could catch fire or obstruct the flow of the humid air to the outdoors.

Consider A Whole-Home Dehumidifier

If you live where humidity is high all year, you may want to invest in a dehumidifier for your HVAC system. This will remove the excess humidity and keep your home comfortable. You should only use these systems in places where outdoor humidity is high in the wintertime.

Contact Our HVAC Professionals Today

Humidity maintenance is not something you want to mess around with. If you need help with humidity levels in your home, contact Ardmore Fresh Air today. Our HVAC professionals are ready to assist you with all your HVAC needs!