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Garage Ventilation

How To Ventilate A Garage During Summer

During days of extreme heat, the space within your garages could become hot. This is also one of the most overlooked parts of home ventilation. If you spend a lot of time inside it, you might want to make sure it will be cool enough for summer.

Even if you don't spend a lot of time in your garage, you could still enjoy proper ventilation. This is particularly true if it connects to your home as its heat might find its way into your living spaces.

Your Vehicles

One of the main reasons for ventilation is to bring down high temperatures. Take note though that cars heat up when they’re used. Leaving a car on in the garage will contribute an amount of warmth.

When driving home from work, your car will most likely have been in operation for a rather long time. It will still be hot minutes after turning it off. If possible, park your car in a shaded area if you’ve arrived at a scorching time of the day. Park it inside once the sun has set or when the environment is much cooler.

Of course we don’t expect everyone to be able do this. Given your awareness, you should consider this when ventilating your garage. Your system will have to accommodate the added heat produced by your vehicle.

Garage Ventilation

Even if you have good car ventilation, you also need to ensure the garage is the same. This helps prevent you from rushing into the house throughout the summer.


If you frequent this place so much, you could consider investing on an air conditioner for this area. This way, ventilation and cooling will be easy. Like any other part of the house, make sure that your unit is powerful enough to cover the total area of the room.


Insulation is useful in all seasons. It keeps it cool inside during the summer, and keeps it warm during the winter.

If an AC is being used, the presence of insulation would complement the air conditioner. It would also make its job much easier.

Exhaust Fan

A much cheaper option would be fans. You might need rather large ones. Smaller exhaust fans may do if your garage isn’t quite big. Smaller ones could also work if your only goal is to bring out the polluted air produced by your cars.

You will need many big fans for better results. You’ll have to even out the intake of cold air and the dumping of hot air back outside. See to it that you draw cold air from shaded or cool segments of your lot.

To better save energy, have a programmable or motion detecting feature installed. This helps it operate only when needed.



It’s always nice and admirable when a homeowner tries to make the quality of living in their home better. When changing the ventilation of your garage, make sure you have an HVAC professional.