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Repairing HVAC System

How to Repair an Air Conditioner

When your HVAC system goes down, it can be a tremendous problem and one that can be expensive to fix. To help save money, there are several HVAC problems that you can do to help you avoid the cost of an at-home repair by an HVAC professional. However, it is important to note that if you are not experienced with HVAC repair or cannot figure out what is going on with your system, you call an HVAC professional for an at-home repair. Trying to fix your HVAC unit yourself and not knowing what you are doing can lead to costly repairs or even the need for an HVAC replacement.

Troubleshooting Your System

When your HVAC unit goes down and you need at-home repair, there are several steps that you need to take to ensure that you find out the problem. You will want to make sure that you have some tools to check out your HVAC system. Tools you should have should include a screwdriver, meter, and gloves.

Troubleshooting the Repair

Here are the things that you need to check to start your at-home repair.

• The Thermostat.

Go to the thermostat for your HVAC system and make sure that it is on.Run the temperature down or up a couple of degrees and see if the HVAC system comes on. Check to ensure that the batteries are new and functioning well. If you want, you can use a power meter to check to ensure that you have connectivity with the furnace.

• The Fuses.

If you have a fuse box, you may want to check to ensure that the fuses are all good. If you do see a burnt fuse, cut the power off to your HVAC system and replace the fuse. This will be one of the easiest at-home repairs that you run into.

• The Breakers.

If your HVAC system is not functioning, check your breaker box. In some cases, the breaker trips, and the only HVAC at-home repair you need, is to flip the breaker back into the on position. If this does keep happening, it may be time to call an HVAC professional to look at your HVAC unit to see if there is a problem. An at-home repair diagnostic fee should be reasonably priced.

• Cold air.

If your HVAC unit's problem is that there is no cold air blowing in, you will want to check your outdoor unit to see if it is running. If it is not, there may be an issue with a capacitor or low Freon. This is a job best left to an HVAC professional to ensure that the HVAC repair is done correctly. Doing this at-home repair yourself could lead to you messing up your HVAC system.

DIY Repairs

If you want to do your HVAC at-home repair, you will need to research what kind of HVAC unit you have, and you will need to figure out exactly what is wrong with your HVAC unit. Before you start your at-home repair, you will want to make sure that you turn the power off to your HVAC unit and do all the safety measures needed. HVAC systems can be deadly because of the electrical components. If you are unsure of doing the HVAC at-home repair yourself, call an HVAC professional so they can come to do the HVAC at-home repair for you.

Call Us Today

At Ardmore Fresh Air, we will be more than happy to come out and do the at-home repair for you. When we come out, one of our HVAC professionals will troubleshoot your HVAC unit and develop the at-home repair you need. We will give you up-front pricing for the HVAC at-home repair and let you know how long it will take.