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Air Conditioner Not Working? Try This!

Summer is right around the corner. While most are gearing up for afternoons at the beach, some can’t take the heat. They would rather stay indoors with a trusty air conditioning system. But, there may be instances where your air conditioner won’t work right.


If it won’t start or it won’t cool, it doesn’t mean you have to call in an HVAC technician right away. There are a couple of do-it-yourself measures you can take to check for common issues.


Check The Power

The first and most obvious thing that you can check is the power. It may seem too simple, but if you have children or pets, they may have detached the plug without realizing. See if you plugged your air conditioner in. If it is and it doesn’t start up, it could be a blown fuse or a tripped circuit breaker.

Circuits may be volatile, especially in older houses. It may experience an overload especially if shared with other appliances. If a part of your air conditioner has damage, it’s best to let the professionals take care of it. You don't want to risk getting harmed or further damage to your system.  


Check The Thermostat

Another likely reason for why your air conditioner isn’t working is that the thermostat may not be set. Try setting your thermostat five degrees lower to see if it starts. A dirty evaporator could be the cause, so try cleaning your evaporator and see if it runs after a few hours. A faulty motor and compressor could also be the culprit. If your air conditioner still won’t run even with a clean evaporator, it’s time to call in a technician.


Check Your Air Filters

After some time, your air conditioner’s filters will accumulate dust and other debris. This will block the air flow if your filters are too dirty and it will not anymore be able to cool as well as it does. Replace your air filters often, around once or twice a month.


Check Your Condenser Unit

You will want to check your air conditioner’s condenser unit. Condensers are usually found outside your home. Weeds, small bushes and other obstructions may grow around it. This affects the airflow so make sure to clean your condenser’s vicinity for optimal air quality.



Don’t let a malfunctioning air conditioner ruin your summer! Know what to look at and where to look in case your air conditioner doesn’t do its job. If you spot any part damages, it’s wise to let your HVAC technician handle it. Schedule a servicing ahead of time so you won’t have any issues with your air conditioner this summer.