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5 Ways to Prepare Your HVAC Unit for Spring

5 Ways to Prepare Your HVAC Unit for Spring

Your air conditioning system is essential for your family to enjoy spring and summer. You want to keep your system running at all times. A well-maintained system is efficient, provides clean air, saves energy, and lasts long. It also avoids the inconveniences that arise due to unexpected breakdown. Below are some measures you can take to prepare your HVAC system for spring.

1. Change the Air Filters

Air filters are vital to the quality of air in your indoor space and your health. Clean air filters will have your system circulating clean air in your house. It is important to change your HVAC filters before spring. You should make it a habit to inspect them every month and change them at least once per three months. Clean filters will keep your AC system efficient and reduce wear and tear on your system. This will reduce repairs and save your energy bills. Additionally, replacing filters will prolong the life of your system.

2. Upgrade the Thermostat

It's easy to forget that the thermostat requires regular testing to ensure it is working. Recalibrate your system at the start of every heating or cooling cycle or as the need arises. A better option is to upgrade to a programmable thermostat. These are ultra-accurate and controllable using your smartphone. Smart thermostats let you manage the temperature of your home and lower energy bills.

3. Inspect and Clean Your AC Unit

At the onset of spring, inspect and clean your outdoor air conditioner. Remove all foliage and debris that may cover the system. Clean the condenser and vacuum the delicate fins. The dirt on the system may hamper the condenser coils' heat transfer process. This can cause inefficiencies. Remember to clear foliage, twigs, and vegetation around the condenser unit. A good inspection will identify potential breakdowns and allow for timely repairs.

4. Clean the Supply Vents and Registers

The supply vents and registers are prone to clogging during winter. You should vacuum them to remove any dust and pet hair. Remember, your system circulates air in your home and recycles air from the air ducts. If the air ducts collect dust and debris, your air conditioner will send these back into your home. Clogged ducts will also make the system not be as efficient. Clean ducts will make your unit work without issues and improve the indoor air quality.

5. Schedule a Preventative HVAC Maintenance

There's so much you can do to prepare your HVAC system for spring. But, your system will still need preventative and safety maintenance by a professional. Spring is an ideal time to schedule expert maintenance and seasonal-tune-up. This maintenance helps to make sure your system stays safe. Plus, it fixes any potential issues that may cause your system to fail.

Call Us Today

Do you need help preparing your HVAC unit this spring? Contact Ardmore Fresh Air for any inquiries or to schedule professional HVAC maintenance.