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HVAC Smells

Concerning HVAC Smells You Need To Know About

Your HVAC system is too complex for the average person to try and fix or perform check-ups on. That is, unless you have the needed training and education. But, there are simple things that normal homeowners can do for the benefit of your HVAC.

You can be observant with irregularities that occur while your system is operating. The scents that your equipment produce could be a sign of what’s wrong. This could help your technicians better diagnose and solve the problem.

Strong Urine Smell

If you get a whiff of urine coming out of your HVAC, it is likely that rodents have taken up shelter. They do this a lot to attract mates. These smells contain a lot of information about a specific rat. When one of the opposite sex finds their scent to be what they’re looking for, then they reproduce. No matter the reason, you don't want mice or their droppings around the heating and cooling system.

Getting rid of this infestation is tricky. You can't use poisons as they might die in places that are hard to reach. Plus, the smell could end up getting worse if you are unable to remove them all. The best way to handle this would be to have professional get rid of them. If you insist, you may do so yourself with the use of traps.

The Smell of Rotten Eggs

Check your supply of eggs and see if they have gone bad, but if they haven’t you best clear your home immediately. Natural gas is odorless but to warn people of a leak, suppliers have incorporated a rotten egg smell into it.

If you smell these and you find your eggs to still be in good shape, you need to act fast. Turn off any electrical appliance or gadget in your home. Shut down the power supply to your home, vacate your house, and call the gas company or the fire department. Avoid igniting any form of flame inside.

Dirty Sock Smell

Your HVAC unit should not smell like a gym bag. Dirty sock smells can be an indicator of bacteria growing in your AC’s evaporator coil. A cleaning from experts can resolve this.

Burning Smell

If you thing you smell something burning, your hardware may have wiring complications. It could also be a sign of an overheating issue. This is one of those scenarios where caution is key. Turn off the unit and have a technician come over to inspect it.



The best way to avoid these from happening is to have your system checked and cleaned often. It’s suggested that you have a company inspect, do maintenance and cleaning sessions at least once a year. If you can afford to, you may want to stretch this to twice a year. Let our technicians give you a thorough HVAC servicing for peace of mind. Call Ardmore Fresh Air at (847) 792-1019.